"Your Mind is an Ocean—Explore the Depths of Your Potential."

Hi, I am Dr. Ashley White

I’ve dedicated my career to helping people just like you.

If you are worried that you’re not living your best life or being held back by fear or doubts, I have the training and dedication to get you back on track.

There are no strict requirements or demanding schedules, just you me, and your cozy couch.

I listen to your unique situation, hear your concerns, and we journey together to your best self.



It’s Time to THRIVE!

Welcome to Your Journey of Self-Love and Authenticity

Are you ready to embrace self-love, authenticity, and a life free from anxiety? Welcome to a unique therapeutic journey where our focus goes beyond just alleviating anxiety. We delve into the heart of what matters most to you: building self-confidence, fostering positive thoughts, and setting healthy boundaries.

Your Transformation

Self-Doubt to Confidence:

Individuals struggling with self-doubt learn to challenge negative self-beliefs and replace them with positive affirmations, transforming their mindset to one of self-assurance and confidence.

People-Pleasing to Boundary Setting:

Helps individuals recognize the patterns of people-pleasing and develop the skills to assert their own needs and set healthy boundaries, leading to more balanced and respectful relationships.

Procrastination to Productivity

By identifying the thoughts that lead to procrastination, such as fear of failure, individuals develop more constructive thought patterns and strategies to increase motivation and productivity.

Low Self-Esteem to Self-Worth:

People learn to recognize and counteract negative self-talk, building a stronger sense of self-worth and self-respect.

"Change is painful, but nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don’t belong."

Specialized Focus on Self-Love and Authenticity

I specialize in helping individuals cultivate self-love and embrace their true selves. If you find it challenging to appreciate your own worth or struggle with being genuine in your interactions, my approach is tailored to support you in these areas.

Holistic Approach to Positive Thinking 

Many therapists address anxiety, but I go a step further by actively working with you to reframe negative thoughts and promote a positive, empowering mindset. My goal is to help you not only manage anxiety but to thrive with a more optimistic outlook on life.

Empowering Self-Confidence 

Confidence is the cornerstone of a fulfilling life. I work closely with you to build a robust sense of self-confidence, enabling you to pursue your goals and dreams without the crippling effect.  Reconnect with your emotions and develop a greater awareness and understanding of your emotional experiences. of self-doubt.


Expertise in Boundary Setting 

Healthy boundaries are essential for maintaining balanced relationships and personal well-being. My sessions are designed to help you develop and assert boundaries, ensuring you have the tools to protect your emotional health and space.

Unique Therapeutic Techniques 

My therapeutic methods are not just evidence-based but also deeply personalized. I blend traditional Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with innovative techniques like mindfulness and self-compassion exercises, creating a unique and effective approach tailored to your needs.

Personalized Care 

I have extensive experience working with specific populations, including young adults navigating life’s uncertainties, high achieving professionals with imposter syndrome, parents adjusting to the demands of parenting. My understanding of these unique challenges allows me to provide targeted support that resonates deeply with your experiences.

What You Can Expect

A Journey Toward Authenticity and Confidence Through our work together, you will uncover and embrace your authentic self, leading to increased confidence and a more genuine way of living. You’ll learn to love and accept yourself fully, paving the way for a more satisfying and joyful life.

Transformation of Negative Thought Patterns We will identify and transform the negative thought patterns that hold you back. By fostering a positive and constructive mindset, you’ll find it easier to face life’s challenges with resilience and optimism.

Empowered Boundary Setting You’ll gain the skills to set and maintain healthy boundaries, crucial for your emotional well-being and for building respectful, balanced relationships.

A Supportive, Non-Judgmental Space While every therapist offers a non-judgmental space, what sets me apart is my deep commitment to understanding your unique story and working with you to create lasting change. My approach is compassionate, empathetic, and always tailored to your individual needs.

Real, Noticeable CHANGE The change you always imagined, come to life.

Empower Your Journey: Embrace Self-Love, Authenticity, and Confidence

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